A Book a Day? What's Up With That?

Hi, and welcome to this year-long project. So what's this all about and how did it happen, you might ask. In mid 2007, artist Noah Scalin decided to make a skull out of anything he could find, every day for a year. It stretched him in ways he never imagined, as an artist, a writer and a person. His experience turned into a blog that went viral, and then a book.

Others have picked up on the idea: 365 Hearts, 365 Masks, 365 Bears drawn on a cellphone, 365 paper napkin mustaches.
I wanted to play, too, and I chose books. I love books, I know a bit about making books (thanks to my talented book-maker sister, Marilyn Worrix), and they're broad enough in definition to give me a lot of creative leeway.

The whole point is not really the books. The idea is to stretch myself in many ways as an artist and a person, to set up a discipline, stick with it and see what that teaches me.

I hope you'll join with me and follow along on the journey chronicled here, and let me know what you think.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Onward and Upward - a Quick Update for the Patient Ones

OK, the computer is STILL in the shop, but I am nowhere near it. Today I flew to Oregon for a belated family Christmas. Which means... I am in my sister's bookmaker's dream of a studio! With a working computer!

I did not bring all those finished-but-unposted books with me, but I did bring the photos of them, so will be posting them over the next few days. So stay tuned later today or tomorrow for a veritable torrent of posts. I'll probably spread them out over a few days. And picture me in the perfect studio, happy as a pig is s$%t, making more books.


  1. Happy late Christmas.
    I'm curious to see your sister's studio...


  2. Oh! Bookbinding hog heaven!!
    I'd love to see more pictures of your sister's studio, too!
    Happy new year!! :):)

  3. I'll take pix of the studio this week and post them for all to wallow in (and envy).

  4. Happy New Year, dear Donna!
    Thanks for updating, is your sister a professional bookmaker? I make blankbooks only to detox my stress... for now.

  5. :>) Ha[[y new year, Life is just making you go to the right place for happiness. Enjoy hog heaven.
